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Bench Rest

June 16, 2021:

* The .22 Calibre Bench Rest program remains suspended until further notice. Please check again later for changes.


* The Centre Fire Bench Rest reopens following the same schedule - every second Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm. Please contact the program coordinator below before coming out.


Masks and distancing are to be followed as per COVID-19 rules.


A reminder that guest shooters need to be signed in by a member and pay the guest fee.





.22 Calibre Bench Rest


NSRG holds bench rest matches using .22 caliber rifles.


Ten shots to score are fired at each of 8 bulls placed at 100 yards, in addition sighting shots may be taken at the sighting bulls at any time. Wind flags are set out. While any one may enter with any .22 rimfire rifle, best results require a heavy barrel target rifle with a good optical sight; the shooter also needs rests for the fore-end and butt of the rifle. There is no prize except the honour of winning.

  • Matches are usually held in Bay 1 of the range at NSRG.
  • Coffee and cookies are provided.
  • Entry fee is $3.00 for NSRG members / $5.00 for non-members.

All are welcome, NSRG members and guests!



Centre Fire Bench Rest


There are two formats used in this event - "Varmint for Score" or "VFS" (which involves shooting from 100 yards at a 5" target with concentric scoring circles on it, with the smallest circle scoring 10 points, and the largest circle scoring 5 points), and "Group" (which involves trying to shoot as small a group of 5 shots as possible, again from 100 yards).

  • Matches are usually held in Bay 1 of the range at NSRG.
  • No fee for members; non-members must pay the $5.00 drop-in fee.

All are welcome, both NSRG members and non-NSRG members!

Bench Rest Schedule

.22 Calibre Bench Rest

  • 4th Thursday of each month *
  • 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.

    Please arrive 30 minutes before match time to help with set up.  Plan to stay afterwards for clean up.


    Centre fire Bench Rest

    • Second Sunday of each month from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm *
    • Contact the club vice president for more info.

    * Subject to change due to rentals and other special events. Please check the NSRG Range Schedule Calendar for any changes.

    North Saanich Rod & Gun Club - P.O. Box 2043 - Sidney, B.C. - V8L 3S3