How long is the waiting list to join the club? Effective July 1, 2021 the club began accepting new applications for membership but not maintaining a waiting list every year. The waiting list is now purged July 1st of the following year and only new and re-submitted previous year applications will be considered for the next membership drive. Some programs are available to non-members and it is suggested that if interested these may be reviewed in the PROGRAMS section of the web site.
Do you rent guns? No. The club has no facility or license to rent or store firearms.
Do you offer firearms training or instruction? The club operates a Juniors program for teens and young adults (go to Juniors page). For more information see Juniors under Programs on the main menu.
Does the club offer the PAL or CORE courses? No, but there are several licensed instructors in the Victoria area. Contact us if you have any difficulty in locating one.
Can members bring guests to the range? Yes, members can bring guests. There is a fee of $10 per guest. If the guests don't have a PAL they can still shoot, but must be under the direct supervision of a license holder, per the Firearms Act. The number of guests at one time should not be more than can be adequately supervised.
Can I bring my family to the range? Wives or husbands, and children who are aged 25 years or younger, and living at the same address, can use the range accompanied by the principal membership holder. Family members must be listed on the primary membership

North Saanich Rod & Gun Club - P.O. Box 2043 - Sidney, B.C. - V8L 3S3
